A second Halloween -- in Aylmer
If anyone needed convincing that Aylmer is home to many generous and community-minded people, let me tell you how a troop of local families saved Halloween for one of my kids. My three-year-old son spent Halloween evening at the hospital, and missed out on his first trick-or-treating experience. I told the story on the Aylmer Mommies Facebook group the next day, and was immediately inundated by offers to drop off bags of candy for my son. Some also invited him to come by in costume for some belated trick-or-treating. In the end, several houses on a single street arranged to relight their Jack-o'-lanterns and welcome my son for his own private trick-or-treat excursion. Children in those homes generously shared candy from their own stashes with him, and he came away with two shopping bags full of treats. So to the Aylmer Mommies group, and the amazing families of Tyler Street: thank you. What a phenomenal community to call home. Our hearts are full.
Tara Briggs Aylmer