February Letters

Defunding journalism
A major blow for Francophone culture !

January Letters

Aylmer is the community living I love
Wanted: volunteers
Voltaire, the Enlightenment, and the Value of Local Newspapers
How to find information about the city?
Seeking volunteers
Breast screening across Canada
Shout Sister! Choir: Aylmer chapiter starting soon
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Mr. Fitzgibbon!
Palliative care in Outaouais needs attention
World Cancer Day: reminder to do what we can
Ontario and Quebec not that different in housing crisis

December Letters

Petition against the Vanier Road high-rise?
No English for Christmas festivities in Aylmer?
Literacy Changes Lives: Give the Gift of Reading This Christmas
Old Aylmer’s Christmas spirit unbalanced
Notice to subscribers:
Saint Maxime
What’s good for the gander is good for the goose.
Canada must stop aiding Israel assault on innocent people
A word from the publisher, Lily Ryan

November Letters

Where to find information about city changes?
Le District seniors busy with festive spirit
Archéo-Pontiac - Célébrons l’archéologie dans le Pontiac
Public letter to Gatineau city councillors regarding plans for 435 Vanier
High-rise at 435 Vanier, how do we stop the plans?
Hey Bulletin team: Sorry for writing about this, but
Notice to subscribers:
Public letter to Gatineau city councillors regarding plans for 435 Vanier
Love the Aylmer Bulletin photo section!

October Letters

STO and public transit troubles
Local news key to our community
CAQ’s latest health care plan hurts Quebecers
Legislating the protection of Gatineau Park
Another thanks to give

September Letters

Record number of doctors leaving Quebec's public system
Refreshing editorial
Back to School - Share the Sidewalks!
Street racing in Aylmer
Tired of tipping

August Letters

Improving Democracy in Gatineau!
Discovery walk in the Deschênes Forest
Public Opinion Letter: Building bridges in a changing linguistic context
Editorial about hate, a timely reminder
Aylmer Meals on Wheels update
New research underway in Quebec related to Multiple Sclerosis
Garbage pickup confusing

July Letters

Gatineau’s new waste plan puts yard bags all over town for weeks: a pretty pickle for someone to fix
People of Aylmer, speak out to your representatives
What needs to be done for Aylmer to be treated equally?
Reunion 2024, alumni of École Polyvalente de Hull :
Myth of crypto being low-impact on environment
Tribute to the oak
The Importance of Local Newspapers
NUISANCES: City gives residents new rules, free pass for themselves

June Letters

Question pour les candidates à la mairie de la part des membres de l’Association de patrimoine d’Aylmer
Pay for service in health care
My subscription to the paper
Can politicians just come clean with the people, please?
What does gender have to do with the elections?
Survey of your readers about mayor vote
Keep children AWAY from lawn mowers!
Reply to letter on bike lane sharing
Gratitude from the Aylmer Food Centre
Ecoforestry Inventory  Activity - Deschênes Forest
Shawville & Wakefield medical imaging technicians
Did you know ....
Reply to letter concerning the problems on the bike path.
The survival of local news must be addressed by Gatineau's municipal council

May Letters

Et la faim dans le monde?
ET SI ...
Communauté internationale dites-vous?
Associations de résidents : Envoyez vos nouvelles gratuitement !
Questions d’intérêt public aux candidats à la mairie de Gatineau
Serait-il trop demandé aux candidat(e)s d'afficher au moins un slogan?
La population veut savoir !
Joanne Zalera fait des vagues
Sortie printanière
Le droit à l'avortement de nouveau dans l'actualité : cessez d'attaquer les femmes, s'il vous plaît !
Réponses des candidats à la mairie
Qui voter pour le maire ?
Réparation du boulevard Lucerne
Engagement envers la Foresterie urbaine, la biodiversité et les milieux humides
L'information sur l'Alliance Deschênes est un excellent ajout !

April Letters

Bulky waste pick-up: aka free yard sale?
Geese moving into the back of the Galeries?
Housing crisis needs attention
Marie-Soleil for mayor!
Old Aylmer can be dynamic & fun, city needs to step up
Disappointment and concern about IGA area abandonment
Thank you, Lily Ryan
Did you know that marshes are precious ecosystems that need protecting?
Is it time to say ‘Au revoir’ to Quebec?: Let’s Talk about Quebec
Questions for mayor candidates
All Quebecers have a responsibility to preserve, protect and promote the French language
Enough taxing us, Gatineau councillors, I don’t even take the bus!
Further to article published earlier this month on city transparency
Did you know that...

March Letters

Ian Barrett’s editorial, March 6
Destruction in Deschenes forest 
Gas prices will be rising
Home & School Associations ask federal action on Law 21
Quebec refuses $3.1 billion health-care aid?
Federal grants for greener homes
CBC, The Bulletin, & local news
No more Pontiac pipe-dreams, please! 
The Lemon Award!: Reflections on municipal taxation, here the case of Gatineau
Support for Ms Stonehouse on speeding problem
I want my newspaper: how to get an Aylmer Bulletin after PubliSac

February Letters

Doctors waste millions of hours on paperwork
Oil sands spew more polluting gases than all Canadians
Big junk: what? where? or, who are they?
Grocery Carts
Aylmer must fight to keep its services here
Cutting taxes is shifting taxes
Citizens’ groups ask Federal Court review of license to radioactive waste facility beside Ottawa River
Urgent Call:  Sustainable Development for 674 Aylmer Road
Letters to the Editor Guidelines:
What can you trust on social media?
Step up for children!
A new church in Hull
Post-Valentine's exercises
Road trip!
AI's theft of content is unregulated
Really, more big highways?
Make our voices heard!
Canada must revamp immigration policy
The Aylmer Legion's new leadership
The mayor who laughed too loud

January Letters

Group Show by La Lanterne, Galerie Old Chelsea
The Task Force applies for an Interlocutory Injunction 
Homeless, no sense of urgency for the City?
Local papers can counter mainstream prejudice
Civil society and MPs reject nuclear future hype
Housing "crisis"= no profit
Exclusionary zoning
Electoral Reform!
Anti-Semitic vs Anti-Arab (racism)?
Vertical farm launches in Montreal
Bury Quebec City's tramway!

December Letters

Advice for snow season
The price of democracy
Civil society and MPs reject hype about “glowing” nuclear future
Winter travel
“When Language Policy becomes a matter of Life and Death”
Old dogs & local news
The storm of climate disinformation
Letters to the Editor Guidelines:
Here's what makes sense
It's here! Petition on radioactive waste (upstream)
Story about a young businessman
Don't miss this!
Urban forests : start now!
Annual Christmas Bird Counts coming up
An appeal to the federal gov't
The future of the Bulletin's on my mind this Christmas, and I’m not alone
New House of Commons Petition affects us all
Don't miss this!

November Letters

Is It Possible to Not Be on Social Media?
Protest Canada's support for Israeli genocide
My questions to the PQ leader
What is happening to Principal, Mr. Boivin?
Murray: Chelsea violates judge's order
Dependence on electricity
Some politicians don't want to engage with you
Empathy calls for our restraint
People and Planet vs Polluters
City tax freeze for seniors, please
Surprised by new Remembrance Day ceremony protocol
Housing evaluations ridiculous
Please keep an open mind about EFW
No debate on genocide accusations?
Thank you all for your participation in Remembrance Day
What tech platforms owe newspapers
Mexico shows how to build up
Residents Associations: Send your news for free!

October Letters

Bus shelters
Thank you to the Bulletin Team
What is wrong with Aylmer? Is it city council? Is it weird politics?
STO bus service
Pierre Poilievre: take a stand for trans safety 
43 conservation volunteers!
Can we trust city political parties?
Caravan to CAQ ministers’ offices, opposing Bill 31
Kids everywhere need our support
Canada wants Digital Nomads, too
Tell Modi Canada Is safe
A tardy response to Greta Smith re: Bulletin’s Instagram
A government which aims to limit education?
Poppy time!
Reply to Robert Thompsett re
Reply to Robert Thompsett

September Letters

Bothsidesism is killing us
Monument for Aylmer’s First Mayor
Conservationists needed for Kettle Island clean-up   
National Legion Week
International Overdose Awareness Week
Inclusion at a cost at PWHS
The DGEQ, A Censorship Office?
Residents' associations: Get your news published for free!
Call our Liberal MPs
Hello, my local paper!
Help stop the latest EfW
Response to
Feds to buy ads in Canada, keeping news journalism strong?
The DGEQ, A Censorship Office?
Birds are migrating!
There is a class war: the 1% vs all just below
Teachers face shortages, lack of support
Oilsands companies still not reducing emissions
Caravan to CAQ ministers’ offices, opposing Bill 31
There's a class war: the 1% vs the 99%
Can we trust city political parties?
Pierre Poilievre: take a stand for trans safety 

August Letters

Message to my neighbours
Hey, Bikers! 
Letters to the Editor Guidelines
Alberta, newest magnifying glass for fake news?
New intruder in agriculture
More money to the Pentagon
Zoning: Undesired densification forced upon homeowners 
Thank you to the staff at the Hôpital de Hull
Reply to the “Walking Lady”
Editorial misguided
Shut down fossil fuels!
Trusting Quebec Hydro 
If you think MPs do little ....
Make Polluters Pay
Response to Carl Hager
School yard along rue Foran 
'Natural' gas and Hydro Quebec
Home and School Assoc supports Bill 40 judgement
Pontiac's Energy from waste plan
Residents' associations: Get your news published for free!
Cour d'école rue Foran
Electric school busses: a windfall for Canadian industry
Keep industry out of our politics 

July Letters

Universal social media, influencers and followers
Sustainable Jobs - a plan to make a plan
Alternatives for the Deschênes Rapids
Google responds: Bill C-18 (the Online News Act) is now law  
Missing in Action
The Netherlands bans devices in classrooms
How to get CBC News' attention? Scream, weep, moan ...
What else can we do with radioactive water?
Google responds: Bill C-18 (the Online News Act) is now law  
Residents' associations: Get your news published for free!
Vanier Road: be bolder, councillors!
Potholed streets—part II
Algonquin First Nations
Today's media news ...
Latest on Bill 96 proves Premier lied
Energy From Waste -- here!
Federal defence of the Official Language Act?
Moving to rural life will continue
Help protect species & habitats
No ads in Meta?

June Letters

Alberta's election, a view from Quebec
No travel in the forest / no fires!
Military helicopters fighting forest fires? Why not?
Improving confidence in the medical complaints system
Ask your MP to support Electoral Reform
Lefebvre on Conservative thought
Investigate all influence, not just China's
My Advice to the Graduating Class of 2023
Who are you talking to! About what!
Algonquin First Nations study radioactive dump project
Appeal to all Canadians
Bulletin's Archives series
Bill 96 : Time to leave Quebec?
Canada's Official Language Act & Quebec’s Charter of the French Language 
Goodbye, social media!
What else can we do with radioactive water?
If you think MPs do little ....
Keep oil & gas in the ground!
Alberta, newest magnifying glass for fake news?
A new word has burst into our political world:

May Letters

Crosswalk lights?
New research on dementia
Plea to the Mayor, City Councillors, planners and developers
Stephen Harper & the Moonies
The CBC and Liberalism - reply to Mr. McCauley
Linguistic Task Force targets Quebec MPs
Liberals back Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform
Strong sustainable jobs legislation
Urban forests : start now
Aylmer's 50+ recreational tournament
Inaccuracies about D'Arcy McGee School #1
A reply: In defence of D'Arcy McGee
Reply: facts about D'Arcy McGee High
Corrections needed for D'Arcy McGee letter
Ransomware attacks
Thank you to editorialist Ian Barrett
Best of Aylmer: is the Bulletin!
Canadian Party of Quebec calls on feds to disallow Bill 96
Hello, 21st century! The CBC.
Only half-measures by the federal government?
To our friends across the Outaouais
Preservation of the 100-year old Deschênes Dam
Reduce emissions, but also upgrade building efficiencies
Protect yourself
International aid
Reply to Temchuk on
National long-term care standards -- enforced!

April Letters

Is this Age-ism?
New online news site
Stop anti-larvae spraying in our marshes!
Chalk River dump still threatens Aylmer, Gatineau, Ottawa
Letters to the Editor Guidelines:
City-planning without conspiracy-building?
Vanier Road development: Gatineau Council MIA!
Retiring school board head
Say your piece: Letters to the Editor
La Verendrye is losing moose
CAQ's Tax cuts?
Ice storm
Bravo Hydro-Quebec #1 
Bravo Hydro-Quebec #2
Champlain Bridge
Do developers plan the city, or does the city?
Are federal MPs spreading the Bomb?
More storms ... more power line protection needed
Tramway study discredited
Supporting CBC?
If you can't convince them, abuse them?
Inflation : rigging the casino?
Cancellation of Québec's third line - one dedicated to public transit
Action against overdoses & a new report
Spring = more forest fires

March Letters

Open letter to Prime Minister Trudeau on minority language rights
New website, nice work team Bulletin
Call for Canada Health Act to be afforded to Quebecers as well
Pesticide control in Gatineau: a tough choice
Heartwarming news on a cold  wet day
Salt on roads great for ice-melting, damaging to animals
Bad roads in Aylmer
Remembering Wayne Owens
Health care front: battle to preserve the integrity of Canada

February Letters

Suicide Prevention Week Feb 5- Feb 11
Alcohol vs. Vaccination 

Supreme Court asked to rule on Notwithstanding Clause  
Disinformation has won: Assault weapons amendments withdrawn     

Odorous question around town

Our driving culture gives us
Parking at Broad-Thomas

Our energy transition is inevitable, justice is not 

Fund-raising for the Aylmer Heritage Association

Alcohol vs vaccination. When the science doesn't suit us ... ? 

Alcohol vs. vaccinations:  When the science doesn't suit, we question it?  (Part 2)
Climate Cafes!
Is Canada's
Fossil fuels are ending

Green jobs from a Just Transition
A good deed by a good teen!

Car insurance comparisons
Abomination, my reply
Save the Aylmer lumber yard
The new Canada Disability Benefit
Is our media ours?
Reply to Mr Nelly's
National pharmacare ... this year!
Spy balloons? Or drumming up war-fever?
Heartbreaking sketchbook spotlights family separation
Chelsea acts: keeping its bilingual status
This grandfather sets the record straight ...
Is this the future of election debates?
Yes! to JRF's haiku
You're doing what!
In response to Robert Hunstle and his son
Ontario's public healthcare 
Getting kids outside!
Tramways need a new transit bridge
The Bulletin brings world home

January Letters

Open letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Proposal to ease family doctor shortage

La Verendrye is losing moose
New gun control faces disinfo camapign

Banning wood fires during smog (Translated)
Influencers claim 9-5 jobs are repulsive?

Pessimism is counter-productive, but easy
Against acknowledging the Indigenous presence in Canada?

Housing issue high

Big Brothers, Big Sisters
The worst of Bill 96 is happening
 Ukraine face-off: USA vs Russia

December Letters

Thanks,  Bulletin!
Dear Santa
Employer-dependent despite Influencers claiming 9-5 Is repulsive?
Crown lands have belonged to indigenous nations
A contrarian view of climate change and its causes
Land Acknowledgement is critical and correct
 Energy Action Plan lacks Indigenous-led energy projects
Citizens' roundtable on the Outaouais housing crisis
Cooperation  produces results
Trees and people
Citizen forces can unite to change their city
International gab-fests accomplish little, generate so much 'hot air'
Emergency Powers hearings

November Letters

Aylmer United Church's final service
Mass shootings in the US
 Thanks for keeping media alive
Social media and its critics
Bill C-245 and Canada's climate crisis

Castel Blanc project

October Letters

Whataboutism #3 Historical wrongdoings
The Big Question?
Canada's non-policy on radioactive waste
Roundtable with the Green Party leadership candidates
Become a Connexions Board Member!
When are Legault's tax cuts coming?
Volunteer Opportunities?
Immigration, not a one way street
More on Greedflation
Canada,  from constitutional monarchy to constitutional democracy
Our housing crisis, November 5
We need a non-partisan National Citizens' Assembly on Electoral Reform
Privatisation of health care?
Marijuana still criminalized
Redistribution would strip rural Pontiac of its voting power
Overcoming the ecological crisis : public transit (1)
Aylmer's 175th:
Garage sale thief at work

continue reading