Zachary Doyle
Aylmer youngster launches fundraiser for local food bank
In an effort to support families in need during the COVID-19 pandemic, a fourth-grade student from Aylmer has delivered big-time by launching an online fundraiser in support of Moisson Outaouais.
When nine-year-old l’École internationale du village student Zachary Doyle found out that some of his schoolmates went to bed at night without being able to satisfy their hunger, he knew he had to do something. “What can we do?” he asked himself.
Doyle’s mother Caroline Bertrand explained that the school was asking families for solutions to help the less fortunate ones, noting that many of the students had benefited from the school’s breakfast program. Plus, with schools closed and some parents having lost employment since the start the outbreak, the struggle had become even more challenging for families who were already in need of support, Bertrand said.
Initially, Doyle thought about putting together a food drive and donating nonperishable items to Moisson Outaouais. But with social distancing now in full effect, Bertrand told him it couldn’t be that simple. “In quarantine we can’t go door to door,” she said. “So, I said ‘maybe we can do it online. I’m sure you’ll be able to raise funds and we’ll donate them. But it’s going to be a lot of work. Are you ready to do some work?’” Doyle was all in.
On April 8, he organized a fundraising campaign on Facebook in support of the regional food bank Moisson Outaouais. By raffling off four $50 gift cards to four local restaurants, including Aylmer’s Ürasie and l’Aubergiste, the fundraiser was also intended to encourage people to support local businesses. To Doyle’s surprise, the fundraiser was a smash hit, exceeding his expectations tenfold.
His initial goal was to raise $500 in two weeks and the initiative has raised more than $5,000 in less than 10 days. “Within 24 hours, there was more than $1,000 raised,” Bertrand said. Bertrand admitted that she was shocked by the overwhelming support from the community, noting that more than 100 people have donated so far and that her son’s initiative was highlighted on TVA News last week. “People are so generous, we’re receiving messages and Zachary is personally responding to every one of them online,” Bertrand said.
For Doyle, the best part about the experience was knowing that his actions will benefit others. “It makes me extremely happy to have done this for those who need it,” he said. “It went extremely fast.” Typically a sports enthusiast, Doyle said that organizing the fundraiser has shown him a whole new side of what hard work is about. He added that he envisions himself taking on similar acts of benevolence going forward. But first, he’ll take rejuvenating rest.
Moisson Outaouais’ Director General Armand Kayolo said he felt very grateful for Doyle’s initiative, noting that he was surprised and thrilled by the youngster’s generosity and will to help during a significant crisis. “We’re very, very happy and we say thank you for his initiative,” he said. “It makes him an ambassador in the fight against food insecurity.”
Those interested in donating can do so until April 23, via Doyle’s Facebook fundraising page -
The gift cards will be raffled off on August 24.
Doyle, has raised more than $5,000 for Moisson Outaouais in less than two weeks, with a Facebook fundraising initiative.