COVID wars
I have read in the media of a new trend in the COVID wars, started by people who are trying to avoid getting their vaccinations, but who need vaccination passports for their work or for travel or other reasons. I know of one man who had planned on getting married this spring, only to learn that he needed to have a vaccination record. He feared vaccinations would introduce foreign chemicals into his body -- although he is also a smoker and consumes cannabis. I understand these cases are as much rumour as fact, but I feel it is necessary to bring this to your readers' attention.
There are cases of fraud whereby a vaccination-denier will hire a homeless person to impersonate him, using the denier's health card and identification, to get the vaccination, at least on paper. I understand that one person was paid $200 to do this impersonation. That is an offer hard to resist for someone without any money and who may be supporting a drug or alcohol habit, or just trying to make it through life, one day at a time.
This is a horrible practise. Taking advantage of poor people in despair is one of the worst things we can do. Especially for those people claiming to do their own research, and who find big questions about the vaccines, or those who question the role of the government in requiring something as intrusive like an injection.
However, their "research" is usually laughable -- they fear there is a micro-chip being injected into them or that the vaccines contain live embryo material. There is no research that would re-enforce such ridiculous opinions! And merely because these opinions are in print, anywhere, does not mean they are "researched" or tested or the result of laboratory testing. They are opinions of people who do not grasp the seriousness of the pandemic, or those who lack the brain power to understand.
And for them to take advantage of poor or homeless people, why they are performing actions more unethical and immoral than anything they fear from a vaccination! Let's put such impersonators and exploiters in jail -- and see how they fare, free of vaccinations!
Deidre Moran-Katz