Don’t Go There (Boucher Forest)
If you don’t want to be surrounded by the sounds of silence, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to hear the birds singing in the trees, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to see the sun peeking through the limbs in the forest,
creating beautiful shadows on the paths, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to meet others who pass with a smile and a polite hello,
don’t go there.
If you don’t want to be surrounded by trees, that by their very being give
us life, don’t go there.
If you don’t love the wind whispering through the trees, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to see where the trailhead opens to meadows and reveals
stands of beautiful cedars, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to see the diamonds glistening off the snow on a beautiful
bluebird day, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to hear the chickadee calling for its mate, don’t go there.
If you don’t want to see the chipmunk scurrying across the soft snow in search
of its next meal, don’t go there.
If you don’t love nature, don’t go there.
The Boucher Forest. It’s ours to care for.