----- Duggan on O'Toole
I was stunned to read in your interview with Councillor Duggan his use of the Trumpian rutting call, "make the country great again!" (in your photo blurb). And this just after he assures us the "new" leader will, in essence, not be a Conservative. Leader O'Toole will be "inclusive"? Doesn't this tell us why Hull-Aylmer "doesn't understand" the CPC program -- after suffering nine years of Harper's divisive Conservativism, we learn the party is now promising to be inclusive. Ah, Mr Duggan, what a dreamer!
Aylmer and all of Quebec suffered through the Harper years, especially his cuts to the civil service and the squashing of environmental protection legislation. I think we know quite well what the CPC stands for. We have had nine years of it! Blame the press, if he wishes, that's just more from the "old" CPC songbook. I think Mr Duggan, when he's done advising and coaching all the other Conservatives in the region, as he promises, will find his vote percentage about the same as it has always been in our riding. Incidently, Duggan is already disagreeing with his leader, as O'Toole has said he does not want an early election.
Mr Duggan has been a pretty good city councillor, in my eyes. Frankly, I would be happy to see him continue there and try to turn the city's mini-ship of state around, rather than single-handedly turning the whole national CPC ship, as he so grandiosely promised during his campaign.
Name with-held (federal civil servant)
Aylmer north