Five urban planning projects: citizens invited to a public consultation meeting
Sonia Roy
The City of Gatineau will hold a public consultation meeting at the Salle Gatineau, located in the Maison du citoyen (25, Laurier Street, first floor) on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. The purpose of this public meeting will be to present four projects requiring amendments to Zoning By-law No. 532-2020, as well as one project requiring amendments to Planning By-law No. 530-2020. It should be noted that these draft by-laws were previously adopted by the Municipal Council of the City of Gatineau on October 18, 2022. During the meeting, a member of the Planning Advisory Committee (Comité consultatif d’urbanisme) will be on hand to present the projects, to explain the reasons for the request to amend the by-laws and to answer any questions. Since some of the projects contain elements that are subject to referendum approval, residents will be able to make a request to open a register following the publication of a public notice by the City of Gatineau after the public meeting on November 8. The five projects are available for public consultation at any time prior to the day of the meeting, at the Service du greffe at the Maison du citoyen (between 8:30 am and 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm and 4:30 pm).
Draft by-law 530-3-2022 (urban planning):
This project aims to update Appendix "F" of the Urban Plan Bylaw number 530-2020, also known as the official list of protected heritage buildings and sites in Gatineau and its surrounding areas. Two buildings and one site will be added to this list: the John Hamilton House (771 Alexandre-Taché Boulevard), the Bellevue Cemetery (1030 Aylmer Road) and the D'Aoust shop (8 Montreal Road East). It should be noted that this project does not contain any element subject to referendum approval.
Draft by-law 532-25-2022 (zoning):
This project aims to amend the provisions governing the "Farm Meal Service", an agricultural tourism activity related to the "Agricultural (A)" group of Zoning By-law number 532-25-2022. The purpose of this amendment, which is subject to referendum approval, is to prevent the Zoning By-law from being more restrictive than the Commission de protection du territoire agricole. The additional conditions in the Zoning By-law with respect to the possibility of a producer having a "Farm Meal Service" will be removed.
Draft By-law 532-26-2022 (zoning):
This project calls for an amendment to Zoning By-law 532-25-2022 to allow curling rinks in the region to sell and consume alcohol throughout the facility without restrictions (similar to arenas and stadiums, billiard and bowling alleys, amphitheatres and auditoriums). Some aspects of this project may be subject to referendum approval.
Draft by-law 532-23-2022 (zoning):
This project seeks a grocery shop authorization for the Co-08-245 zone, a block located at the corner of Boulevard de la Carrière and Boulevard Montclair in the Hull-Wright District. Certain aspects of this project may be subject to referendum approval.
Draft By-law 532-27-2022 (zoning):
The last project on the list to be presented at the November 8 public meeting concerns an authorization for the Co-08-019 zone (located on Saint-Raymond Boulevard, in the Parc-de-la-Montagne-Saint-Raymond district) to add artists' studios in this geographic zone. Some aspects of this project may be subject to referendum approval.
Photo caption: Zones covered by draft by-laws 532-23-2022 (left) and 532-27-2022 (right)
Photo credit: Courtesy of Ville de Gatineau