Gatineau calls for public comment on Zoning bylaw change needed for Vanier Rd waste site
Sophie Demers
During the March 15 municipal council meeting, the council adopted bylaw number 532-17-2022. The proposed zoning bylaw amendment allows the city to build the future waste triage centre, also referred to as an ecocentre. The planned lot is located on chemin Vanier between chemin Pink and de Vernon.
Any individual or business that is interested in offering comment on the proposed zoning bylaw amendment can email or by mail to:
Bureau du greffier
Ville de Gatineau
25, rue Laurier, 5th floor
C.P 1970, succursale Hull
Gatineau (Québec) J8X 3Y9
Written comments will be accepted until April 5. A public consultation will take place in person on April 5 at 6pm at the Maison des Citoyens located at 25 rue Laurier, Gatineau. During the public meeting a member of the Planning Advisory committee will present the project and the potential effects. The public will then have the opportunity to voice their opinions.
Following the public consultation a Public Notice will be published inviting eligible residents to vote to request to open a registry. This will also specify the referendum procedure for the projects.