Gazifere : Sustainable is not an "option"!
The latest Gazifere bill notice is an interesting one -- and not due to pandemic boredom. We now have an option to pay for a small percentage of "renewable natural gas" in our supply. Crops that are converted to bio-gas then into cleaned methane can be injected into our supply.
Crops absorb carbon, so supply can become renewable, sustainable, and "carbon-neutral". Most folks understand that according to world climate science, our window of opportunity to reduce carbon emissions is no longer some vast time horizon to dwell in. It's a window of opportunity that may not be there for our children.
Yet the new "sustainable option" is now only offered as an additional cost option we can choose to pay. We can do better than that, can't we? You may think that after 13 years of supporting the Green Fund through "Carbon Cap and Trade", that the infrastructure for bio-methane production would be here by now.
This is unfortunate; "options" will only waste more time, after we have supported and paid for them, long ago.
Larry Prickett