Get ready for summer driving!
Garage Vanier’s new A/C technology beats the heat
The warm summer weather is on its way, bringing with it long drives for summer vacations and weekend escapes to the cottage. Be safe and ready for that driving by contacting Garage Vanier. The garage has acquired a brand-new Robinair air conditioning “recovery, recycling and recharging machine,” a product that makes the repair and maintenance of automobile cooling units easy. The computerized machine not only tests for leaks and cleans and recycles the car’s refrigerant, it also recognizes the model and year of the car and uses that information to refill fluids to the precise amount needed. “We invested in a new machine because of the great technology that’s available now. It’s completely automatic and does everything on its own,” says Benoit Belley, the garage owner. “It’s faster and easier for us and cheaper for our customers.”
“People have problems with their car’s A/C units because they never change the filters, and that ends up costing them money. They don’t maintain their air conditioning units, even though it’s much cheaper to maintain them than to replace them,” says Mr. Belley.
The machine is also environmentally-friendly, because it is able to purify the refrigerant that is in the car. “You need to do it right when it comes to air conditioning refrigerant and other fluids,” adds Mr. Belley. He points out that while many people try to work on their air conditioning units by themselves, throwing out old refrigerant not only pollutes the environment, it is illegal.
Garage Vanier also offers 3D wheel alignment, which saves gas and lengthens the life of tires, resulting in improved handling and safer driving. Mr. Belley notes that a well-maintained automobile is more efficient, saves money and is better for the environment. From 70-point tune-ups to anti-rust treatment, Garage Vanier’s mechanics can handle any “bumps in the road” in the life of your vehicle. Their work is also guaranteed.
Long drives with tired, hot children in the back seat are no fun. So keep your cool this summer and stop by Garage Vanier! The garage is located at 901 Chemin Vanier and can be reached at 819-684-6595.