Message from MP Greg Fergus
In some way or another, we are all affected by the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), but we mustn’t be overcome by fear. There are many things each of us can do to slow the pace of COVID-19’s spread. Governments are also working together to help individuals and businesses.
Here is what you can do:
• Wash your hands with soap!
• Cough into your arm, not your hands.
• Stay at home!
• Keep your distance from others (approximately 2 metres).
• If you have symptoms, isolate yourself and call 1-877-644-4545.
Here is how the Government of Canada can help you:
• If you were let go because of COVID-19 and you qualify for Employment Insurance (EI), apply today.
• If you have to take time off work to self-isolate or to take care of a dependent who is self-isolating, apply for EI sickness benefits. The waiting period is waived and you do not need a doctor’s note.
• If you were let go because of COVID-19 but you don’t qualify for EI benefits OR you’re a parent who cannot work because you or your kids have to self-isolate, we’re setting up a new program called the Emergency Care Benefit. You will receive up to $900 every two weeks for up to 15 weeks. Contact 1-833-381-2725.
• We’re boosting the Canada Child Benefit by up to $300 per child.
• If you are a senior, your minimum withdrawal for Registered Retired Income Funds is reduced by 25% in 2020.
• The deadline for filing your federal income tax is delayed until June 1.
Here is how the Government of Canada can help businesses:
• To help small businesses keep their employees, we are setting up the Temporary Wage Subsidy to cover 10% of paid wages for the next three months.
• To help small and medium sized businesses, we set up a $10 billion Business Credit Availability Program.
• And we are providing more than $55 billion in business tax deferrals to boost the economy.
These are just the first steps.
For the latest info about how to fight COVID-19, visit: www.canada.ca/coronavirus or call 1-833-784-4397.
When the going gets tough, Aylmer steps right up. We have shown this time and again: the ice storm of 1998, the floods of 2017 and 2019, and the tornadoes of 2018.
Call and check on people you know to offer a kind word. If you are healthy, volunteer to help a senior get groceries or medication. Above all, keep your distance, wash your hands, and if you get sick – isolate yourself!
Join the Facebook group “COVID-19 Hull-Aylmer” to get updates and stay in touch with others. Or call my office at 819-682-1125.
We will get through this – together!
Greg Fergus
MP Hull-Pontiac