Message to Aylmer parents
When I moved to the National Capital Region, nine years ago, we shopped around Ottawa and Gatineau, and quickly set our sights on Aylmer. We just loved the charm of the place, the diversity of its people, and the beauty of its landmarks, with countless little gems hidden throughout.
As the years went by, we started a family and made some great friends. We explored and settled roots. What a community this is! And then, out of the blue, we’re facing a pandemic. But do you know what I love? Despite being stuck inside I somehow feel closer to my community than ever. Neighbours are looking out for each other, people are offering support and help in whatever way they can. We’re posting rainbows and emojis on our windows, even flashing our lights to thank our hard-working healthcare workers.
And parents… many of you are working from home while parenting, or working outside of the home while trying to keep your families safe and healthy. You’re sharing hacks and resources, trading schedules and recipes online at dizzying speed. It’s great! But.. yes, a but. I’m also seeing parents feeling guilty about not doing enough – letting their kids get too much screen time, or eating too much junk food, messing up their sleep schedule, and more. Look, this isn’t going to end soon; we’re in this for the long haul. Take time to breathe, parents. You can’t give from an empty tank.
Be kind to yourself. In one, five, heck 10 years, your kids won’t think back to this time and think about the timetable you adhered to. So slow down, give yourself a break, and keep showing kindness. That’s what they’ll remember; it was scary but we were able to be kind. That’s the best lesson I think we can teach them. So keep showing kindness whenever you can, to yourself and towards others, because that’s all we need right now. Also, wash your hands and stay home.
You can do this!
Joanne Zalera