More on Greedflation
The real culprit here is the diminution of US productive capacity and supply chain disruption caused by four decades of neoliberal policies – disinvestment, deregulation, outsourcing - which have prevented the usual supply-side measures to bring prices down. Another name for this is "greedflation", the term used by the Ottawa think-tank, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.
I am sure it's past time for us regular people to put a stop to being on the yo-yo of so-called "free enterprise". It's free for no one but the banks -- and you know no one gets anything free from banks, especially our banks in Canada. They've also fed us the line that our banks are world-respected. Maybe that goes for humour in banking circles!
As for neoliberalism, Canada again leads the pack, starting with Paul Martin's Liberals and full-speed with Harper's Tories. How I wish we could have a public discussion of issues like these, which affect every one of our lives, instead of hockey prospects or all "the poor so-and-sos" in faraway places. Couldn't the Bulletin initiate something like this, or is it much too big for our wonderful local (and "real") Bulletin! We don't seem to be able to even discuss homelessness here ...
Josh Monnet