More than $1.5M to help parents of students with disabilities balance family and work
To support organizations that provide supervision services to high school students with disabilities, the Government of Quebec is granting $1,503,684 in financial assistance to implement 40 projects in the province under the Financial Support Program for Supervisory Services for Students with Disabilities Aged 12 to 21. The Minister of Families, Mathieu Lacombe, made the announcement on Thursday.
The primary objective of the program is to offer, in a safe and adapted setting, supervision services for students with disabilities who are attending high school and who cannot stay home alone. This program is in line with the orientations of the Ministère de la Famille concerning family/work balance. It aims to provide an adapted response to the diverse needs of families, including those with a disabled child, as well as to offer parents favourable conditions for employment or the pursuit of their studies.
The Financial Support Program for Supervisory Services for Students with Disabilities Aged 12 to 21 is intended for non-profit organizations, educational institutions and school service centres, as well as municipalities, regional county municipalities and Aboriginal organizations. Financial support is allocated to organizations under a three-year grant agreement. The amount of funding is determined annually on the basis of expected attendance for the period covered by the application.
"Supporting students with disabilities is a sign of an inclusive, altruistic and proactive society. We are proud that the government supports all students, of all ages and all conditions. In this way, we are helping many parents to pursue their professional activities so that they, in turn, can be totally attentive to their children's needs in the evenings," said the Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge.
[Local Journalism Initiative]