November is Social Economy Month, support local social enterprises
Sophie Demers
The Pôle d’économie sociale de l’Outaouais is asking residents to support local social enterprises as part of their Social Economy Month. The Chantier Économie Sociale and the 22 Pôle d’économie sociale de l’Outaouais, would like to remind citizens that choosing to support their local social economy supports local employment, entrepreneurship and community.
The purpose of the social economy enterprise is to serve its members or the community rather than focus on profits and financial return. Many social economy enterprises value and practice democratic decision-making processes
"As Social Economy Month begins, we wish to remind citizens across Quebec that they too can have a positive impact on society by promoting the social economy," says Béatrice Alain, Executive Director of the Chantier Économie Sociale. “By choosing to support the social economy, whether by working, creating, getting involved as a volunteer or administrator or by buying a collective business, every Quebecer has the potential to grow a model which puts people at the heart of its decisions, rather than profit at any cost. If we are to change the world, the economy must also change ".
As a consumer, supporting a social economy company means investing in an organization that gives back to the community and supports a social mission. Many collective entrepreneurship organizations also rely on volunteers to carry out their activities.
In the Outaouais, the social economy represents nearly 400 businesses that create more than 6,000 jobs across sectors. For example, the SPCA de l'Outaouais, the early childhood centers, the Coopérative des paramédics de l'Outaouais, and Radio CHGAFM of la Vallée-de-la-Gatineau are social economy enterprises rooted in their community.
In Quebec, there are approximately 11,200 collective enterprises, together they earn $ 47.8 billion in profit, employ nearly 220,000 people and involve 90,000 volunteer administrators. Social economies are advantageous for both employer and entrepreneur as it puts the values of democracy, equity and solidarity into its operations. According to the Pôle d’économie sociale de l’Outaouais, collective enterprises have better staff retention and remain active businesses for longer.
The Chantier de l'Economie Sociale is an independent, non-partisan organization. Their main mandate is to promote and develop collective entrepreneurship in Quebec. The Outaouais Social Economy Pole's mission is to promote the development of the social economy in the Outaouais and to foster partnership with local and regional stakeholders.
To find out more about Social Economy Month, visit: