Our aging population, a huge challenge
The latest census figures for Canada are a warning to social-policy makers. Figures indicate a major shift to an aging population in Canada, with a low rate of reproduction. There are more Canadians retiring than entering the work force.
The conditions for a major social storm is brewing.
The Covid pandemic showed us just how poor care of seniors is in care-giver residences. Canadian governments must start preparing and implementing and funding policy to address the remarkable shift in the way we work, raise money to pay for services, and view the treatment of fellow citizens.
New perspectives are not likely to happen given the track record of current governments. We are already presiding over an under- funded health care system. Urban planning favours developers and leave congested and pot-holed streets for citizens to commute upon. Governments promote culture wars in an effort to raise votes. Depositing nuclear waste on the edge of the life-giving Ottawa River is seen as an expedient and necessary measure by politicians, contrary to all concerns about health and environmental pollution from us. The promise of tax reductions is infectious--and totally inimical to what governments should be doing to help citizens.
It is long past due when citizens should be demanding more progressive social policy measures. Doing more of the same is not going to cut it.
Carl Hager
Gatineau / Aylmer