Our backroads are not dumping grounds
Those who live around here (Aylmer North) have to look at this trash every day, and the people dumping clearly don’t. We have such beautiful backroads that are ruined by ignorant people. It breaks my heart and makes me so angry. We have every tool available to us in this city to dispose of our garbage/bulk items. Have some respect for our land! "https://www.facebook.com/emilie.e.gagne?__cft__[0]=AZW3NgmiFco39vmVs0HgtRdiM6n0oBMFQ1feZpaJq-k5CmCGjpGNNzqQJp5CSF5lwPb0CKA3iFRzb7KXqbDrOBdeKnNVgZ7h1FfDEJ7Pax2IzaeHKQ8b2hUvvDFzYEsrNCE&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R" Emilie Elizabeth Gagne
Aylmer nord