---- Profiteering during a pandemic!
It is public knowledge that in the past 10 months, and into the near future, if not longer, a majority of car owners have not been driving their car—say, for their daily commute to work. Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, I have driven my car once a week, or maybe twice or three times a month because of the restrictions imposed by all three levels of government. Despite driving much less, I have paid my full car insurance premiums during all of 2020. I’ve just received my renewal for 2021, and my premiums have increased! The company has the temerity to ask for higher premiums knowing that the vast majority of their policy holders are not driving. Car insurance companies are profiteering more during the pandemic.
It may be time for Quebec drivers to demand parity with Ontario and Atlantic provinces who now benefit from “Pay-As-You-Go” car insurance. If you are also angered by the gall of multi-billion dollar, multinational corporations unreasonably profiteering, please say something. Call or write the SAAQ and other provincial/federal government institutions responsible for the laws governing car insurance practices.
Daniella Stavos