---- Reply to Mr. Lefebvre on Trumpism
I thank Mr. Lefebvre for his question. He doesn't understand who I mean when I write of "deplorables." He wonders why I, and Hillary Clinton, would include them with "racists, fascists, misogynists, etc." Speaking to CNN, September 12, 2016, Clinton stated: “To just be grossly generalistic, you can put half of Trump supporters into what I call the basket of 'deplorables'... those racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” I agree with her definition. I assure Mr. Lefebvre that this "deplorable" does not fit his concern over a political agenda used to separate out who is "deplorable." A Democrat can make bad judgements as well as a Republican, and we can use Clinton's "measurable" criteria to show that a lot of "deplorables" flock to Hair Trump.
Mr. Lefebvre's own idea of "deplorable", very negative, presents Hitler, Stalin, Putin, etc. as deploring whomever they want to destroy. Presenting these "deplorable" leaders and their "measure" is only proof of their self-serving logic. ... The Jewish people are right to see Hitler as deplorable, Ukrainians should deplore Stalin, the Uyghurs know how deplorable Xi Jinping is, etc.
Rather than debate my use of "woke," I note the dictionary definition: "alert to injustice in society, especially racism." What I object to is Mr Lefebvre's assertion that those once discriminated against "got over it and moved on" and that "Guilt trips do nothing to improve harmony." These conclusions about victims of discrimination may come from not understanding what systemic discrimination is and what it does to victims. His untenable conclusion implies that those discriminated against, and even murdered, will get over it and move on. Deplorable!
Maybe Mr. Lefebvre should "move on" and be less concerned with John A. MacDonald's name being sullied by the truth. Disregarding these issues (calling them guilt-trips) shows a disconnect from the society we live in. Consider that if he recognizes the burden of a "guilt trip" he will recognize that there is something to be addressed in order to reach the harmony which he seeks. Rather than ignoring that burden of guilt, understand that it references all "deplorables" who choose racism over integration, sexism over equality, homophobia over understanding, xenophobia over diversity, Islamophobia over religious tolerance ... you name it!
Ronald Temchuk
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