--Revitalization and animation fund, city invites project submissions
Wanting to give the population more time to submit project ideas, Gatineau’s municipal council approved extending the project submission deadline to April 1 for the Fonds de soutien à l’animation et à la revitalisation (FAR) - Animation and revitalization support fund.
According to a press release issued by the City on March 16, the FAR was established in December of 2018 with the purpose of developing cultural displays and activities in commercial arteries to strengthen Gatineau’s cultural identity, to bolster business in targetted areas, and to make the most of public space usage and renovation. Dedicating $380,000 for this year, the FAR collectively includes a $1.5 million investment over five years. The fund supported 12 projects last year with a collective cost of $282,285. The Animation aspect of the program is intended to support cultural, artistic, and sports-related projects, as well as festivals and popular events.
As for the Revitalization aspect, its purpose is to financially assist economic activity, studies and analyses, formation and improvement, as well as the renovation of public spaces. On May 11, this year’s support recommendations should be publicly presented during municipal council’s meeting.
Commission des arts, de la culture, des lettres, et du patrimoine President and L’Orée-du-Parc district councillor Isabelle N. Miron explained that pushing back the project submission deadline was a way of supporting organizations by providing them with more flexibility to participate in the program. “[Organizations and associations] reached out to us to obtain an additional delay and we believe it can be nothing but beneficial for the Gatineau population,” Miron said. “In fact, this fund contributes to maintaining and restoring vitality in our old urban cores and Gatineau’s other animation sectors. It’s essentially a great way of highlighting our local history, our culture, and our Gatineau identity.”
A document with more detailed information about the FAR is published on the city’s website - https://www.gatineau.ca/docs/guichet_municipal/subventions_commandites/fonds_soutien_animation_centre_ville/FS_Volet%20Animation&Revitalisation_02.pdf.
Information on event organizing with the city is available via the following link - https://www.gatineau.ca/portail/default.aspx?p=guichet_municipal/subventions_commandites/soutien_evenements&requete=fonds%20de%20soutien&ref=haut-de-page.