Western Quebec School Board
School board releases plans for Covid-19 grade reporting
After the Minister of Education Jean-François Roberge informed the education community on May 6 of his proposal for continued teaching and learning, evaluation and end-of-year reporting, the Western Quebec School Board (WQSB) has developed orientations it feels meet the requirements of both the minister’s directive and the values inherent to the MEES Policy on Evaluation.
The minister’s directive requires that teaching and learning continue for secondary students and those elementary students who remain at home, through distance delivery on a variety of platforms and in diverse ways to meet the specific situations of students.
The Minister’s proposal, which requires an amendment to the Basic School Regulations, includes significant changes with regard to final marks for the 2019-2020 school year.
For all levels, the evaluation will be based on the teacher’s professional judgement, according to the following criteria:
For Elementary & Secondary I-III: 1) The final result for the year will be a PASS or FAIL. 2) The PASS/FAIL judgement will be based primarily on the marks assigned in terms 1 and 2. In addition, work completed and evaluated up until March 13 can also be taken into account, as well as any work that reviews and consolidates the learning from terms 1 & 2. 3) Any new concept taught after March 13 is for enrichment and is not to be used for evaluation of the final mark.
For Secondary IV & V: 1) The final results for the year will be a percentage. 2) The final percentage will be based primarily on the marks assigned in terms 1 and 2. In addition, work completed and evaluated up until March 13 can also be taken into account, as well as any work that reviews and consolidates the learning from terms 1 & 2. 3) Any new concept taught after March 13 is for enrichment and is not to be used for evaluation of the final mark.
Based on the fact that all June exams have been cancelled, and that Public Health guidelines have stipulated that secondary students are not to be in the school board’s buildings, the WQSB will not have summer school this year. Students who wish to pursue academic studies during the summer may register with LEARN Quebec. For more information on this virtual learning platform, please visit learnquebec.ca/home.
[Local Journalism Initiative]