Snowshoe visit to Lake Leamy heronry
February 16. Lake Leamy heronry and wood ducks boxes network: The Club des ornithologues de l’Outaouais (COO) invites you to a visit of the Lake Leamy heronry, which numbered 27 nests last winter. In addition, we’ll clean and examine wood ducks’ boxes set up in the surroundings. Nice surprises often wait for us, such as the presence of Screech Owls in 2016 and 2019 !
Meet: 1 pm in the Hydro-Québec parking, 200 Jean-Proulx street, (in front of Imprimerie du Progrès), Hull, industrial district. Snowshoes essential to access the site (contact the person in charge if you need a pair). Your guide: Daniel Toussaint (819-561-2458) danieltoussaint@videotron.ca We speak English.
For detailed information about our activities (mostly open to everyone), visit our web site www.coo.qc.ca
Claude Martineau,