---- Surprise! "Tennis is a bourgeois sport"
In reference to the February 3rd article on a lobby effort for more tennis courts in Gatineau, I would like to praise resident Eric Tardif for his pursuit of these facilities and a better quality of life for Gatineau residents. Due to Gatineau's recent population growth, the ratio of recreational facilities per capita is in decline and lagging behind other Quebec cities. Councillor Duggan’s response that tennis is a bourgeois sport and not consistent with our heritage values was a shock and, frankly, an insult to not only tennis players but all residents pursuing public recreational facilities. His response, “do not knock on my door” was insensitive to any person working on behalf of the community. Not enough of us take up the challenge. I am both a hockey and tennis player and realize that such facilities are enjoyed by young and old and are highly utilized, and not just by the so-called "elite".
David Powers