--- Western Quebec School Board reported 13 cases and CSSPO confirmed 38 cases of COVID-19 in November
Jordan Gowling
The Western Quebec School Board (WQSB) has reported 13 COVID-19 cases in its schools last month, with four staff and nine students testing positive for the virus. The Centre de services scolaire des Portages-de-l’Outaouais (CSSPO) has confirmed 38 COVID-19 cases since November 1, with nine employees and 29 students testing positive.
The breakdown of confirmed cases in November from the WQSB includes one case at Maniwaki Woodland School, two cases at Queen Elizabeth Elementary School, two cases at D’Arcy McGee High School, two cases at Greater Gatineau High School, one case at the Hull Adult Education Centre, one case at Hadley Junior High School and Philemon Wright High School. The school board also recorded two cases at Lord Aylmer Elementary School, one case at Chelsea Elementary School and another case at Buckingham Elementary School.
The CSSPO reported two cases at École Euclide-Lanthier, one case at Centre Saint-Raymond, two cases at École Saint-Paul, one case at École Mont-Bleu, one case at École international du Village, two cases at the Centre de formation professionnelle Vision-Avenir, four cases at École secondaire Mont-Bleu, three cases at École Côte-du-Nord, one case École du Plateau, one case at École des Trois-Portages, one case at the Centre Lucien-Brault, one case at École des métiers spécialisés Asticou, one case at École du Lac-des-Fées and one case at École des Rapides-Deschênes. There were also nine people who tested positive for the virus at École Notre-Dame and five positive cases at École l’Amérique-Française and École Saint-Jean-Bosco respectively.
The CSSPO and the WQSB continue to enforce measures under the province’s red zone designation, introduced in early October. These measures include classroom bubbles, a hybrid model of class attendance and mandatory masks for secondary students as well as lunches in classrooms.
The WQSB has confirmed 35 cases since the beginning of the school year and CSSPO has reported 130 cases in the same time period.
The number of confirmed cases is accurate as of December 1.