What a masterpiece!
Fred Ryan's editorial in the Bulletin d'Aylmer, January 17, on Québec secular society is a masterpiece. No one could write it better. Coming from him to our peers, Anglophones and the English Community in general, it brings credibility to this Law which has been criticized by so many who never took time to assess it fully and to understand that over the past 50 years, since the creation of the Department of Education, we have progressively gained our freedom from the yoke of the Catholic Church where schooling in Québec was in the hands of nuns, brothers and priests. We are certainly not going to accept the replacement of one religion by any other. As simple as that.
So thanks and congratulations for putting his credibility on line to explain so well that this Law 21 is quite legitimate in Québec and no reasonable person should try to challenge it. I just hope the Supreme Court will recognise that indeed it does hurt individual rights, but clearly “laicity” (secularism) has the common right to exist and prevail over individual creeds.
Antoine L. Normand