Wychwood’s welcoming diversity
In reply to Pauline Hanson (“Wychwood: anti-densification, anti-poor people, anti-immigrants”- May 20), a few words to respond to such a comment, one so far from reality. The Wychwood Residents’ Association is focused on protecting the environment and the unique tree cover of the area. Similar concerns are shared by many other associations and groups in the broad Aylmer sector.
Wychwood’s association has done and continues to do great work on the unique tree cover protection (see study “Inventory of mature trees of the Wychwood neighbourhood”, 2017), and on sustainable development. This is a justified priority not only because of the location of the area beside the Ottawa River, but in and of itself. More and more people, in the neighbourhood and elsewhere, support environmentally sensitive development that promotes valuable green-cover protection. The link Ms. Hanson makes between that mission and a supposed rejection of poor people and new immigrants is laughable. Many immigrants inhabit Wychwood, and are active in the association (even on its Board). The association was co-founded in 2000 by an immigrant. Residents supporting or active in the association live in small dwellings, often renting when they don’t own.
It seems Ms. Hanson does not know the association and has certainly not taken part in its community activities and meetings, as her unfounded judgments show. One has to wonder whose agenda and purpose her attitude serves.
Lucie Goulet,